Alice Guionnet, Karol Kozlowski, Alex Little, “Asymptotic expansion of the partition function for β-ensembles with complex potentials,” (2024) arXiv:2411.10610

Alex Little, “A Riemann-Hilbert approach to skew-orthogonal polynomials of symplectic type,” SIGMA 20, 076, (2024) arXiv:2306.14107

Thomas Bothner, Alex Little, “The complex elliptic Ginibre ensemble at weak non-Hermiticity: bulk spacing distributions,” Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 57(25), (2024) arXiv:2212.00525

Thomas Bothner, Alex Little, “The complex elliptic Ginibre ensemble at weak non-Hermiticity: edge spacing distributions,” Random Matrices Theory and Application, 13(03), (2024) arXiv:2208.04684

Alex Little, Francesco Mezzadri, Nick Simm, “On the number of real eigenvalues of a product of truncated orthogonal random matrices,” Electronic Journal of Probability, 27, 1-32, (2022) arXiv:2102.08842